Critical MASS 9


In it’s 9th year, Critical MASS returns to prove - despite everything 2020 threw at them - creatives will prevail! Experience more than 125 works from an active, producing community of Visual, Performing and Literary artists. Northwest Louisiana Artists will be competing for a Critic’s Choice $2,000 prize and to create a new body of work to be exhibited and performed at artspace for Critical Review.

To navigate the Covid world affecting everyone, including Artists, rtspace is taking measures to bring the arts safely to the community:

1. Please Wear a Mask
2. Please social distance. artspace is marked for 6 feet distancing.
3. Prefer to stay at home? The Critical MASS exhibition will be available to be viewed online, and the performance will be live streamed before finding it’s home online with the exhibition.

Experience Critical MASS online here


Louisiana Trail Riders @ artspace


J.K. Lawson - Beside This Red River