The Shreveport Regional Arts Council Accessibility Program endeavors to make all people feel welcome at all Arts Events/Experiences, Public Art Sites, and Exhibitions and Performances produced by the Shreveport Regional Arts Council, and especially at our venues:

A.   The Central ARTSTATION – 801 Crockett Street, Shreveport (downtown) at the corner of Crockett and Common Streets

B.    ARTSPACE – 710 Texas Street

Accessibility Information:

Voice (318) 673-6535


Information for Patrons and Visitors with Mobility Disabilities:

PARKING:  Designated accessible parking for vehicles bearing valid Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) disability parking placards or license plates is available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Central ARTSTATION, in front of ARTSPACE, and in the courtesy Parking Lot at the head of Texas Street on the same side of the Street as ARTSPACE (the North side of the Street).


ARTSPACE and the Central ARTSTATION are accessible sites with all entrances to the building and Exhibitions and gift space easily accessible.  Doors to the ARTSPACE Facility and the adjoining Restaurant are automated for wheelchair access.  Doors to the Central ARTSTATION are accessed through a call button; a wheelchair ramp brings visitors from parking areas to the WEST SIDE DOOR and FRONT DOOR.

RESTROOMS:  All Restrooms on all levels of the Central ARTSTATION and ARTSPACE are wheelchair accessible.