Dr. Blood’s library macabre:
Visions of literary fright
September 12 - october 31, 2014
mainspace @ artspace
Library Macabre: A Vision of Literary Fright, curated and co-created by Drew Edward Hunter a.k.a. Dr. Blood, is based on Hunter’s highly theatrical, visually elaborate and utterly terrifying haunted experience. Hunter, a Shreveport native artist and creative spirit, wrote and designed the show and developed the character of Dr. Blood to serve as a host and media “spokesghoul”. The shows were staged at the Louisiana State Fair from 1975-1985 and became a cult classic. Now the infamous and diabolical Dr. Blood makes his comeback with a new twist on literary favorites.
Participating Area Artists and their Literary Theme
Mimi Webb (Interview with the Vampire);
John Gillespie (Phantom of the Opera);
Jason Pliler (Case of Charles Dexter Ward);
Emily Daye (Mask of the Red Death);
Su Stella (Dracula);
Rena Brittenham (Cask of Amontillado);
Donald Webb (It);
Chuck Loridans (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Lending an atmosphere of utter “macabreness”, Richard Salkin and Tracy Chappellcompose the original music to Library Macabre.
Group photo of participating artists.
curated by Drew edward hunter
(aka DR. Blood)
Artist Bio
The very first movie Drew saw was Walt Disney’s masterpiece “Fantasia.” Even as a two year old child it made an indelible impression on him as it introduced himto his life-long love of creativity, art, color, design, music, storytelling, cinema and theater.
Throughout his creative development Drew was fortunate to have encouraging and supportive parents who, though sometimes mystified by the odd art Drew would often do, always acknowledged his right to create it. They remain proud of his work – including his rather esoteric creations – to this day.
Drew graduated from Centenary College of Louisiana with a degree in Fine Arts and continued his education for several years afterward, including a summer of art studies in Rome. Determined to make a living in creative and artistic fields, he has been involved in all manner of unique jobs and projects.