spontaneous emissions

january 19 - March 3, 2012
mainspace @ artspace

Featured multi-medium artist (and veteran psychiatrist) Dr. Pat Sewell cleverly demonstrates through his sculptures and paintings how we often wear our emotions on our faces, no matter how hard we try to hide what we’re feeling.

statement from the artist

My art serves as play for me. I pursue it as an expression of what I see and experience in the world. My sculptures are usually related to the human figure or nature, usually birds and can be abstract. I love to capture and convey experience; to freeze it in a 2 or 3 dimensional form. I like to give a little "get it" moment to my viewers. My paintings, greeting cards and collages similarly convey patterns, truths or themes hardened and represented by the characters in the image. It is the way things are; the way people are; how they are formed up, that leaps out at me, intrigues me, and moves me to record in the shorthand manner I call my art. I like to take these complexities and make them apparent. We all look out in the world through our own prism. My art is my take.

I utilize found material for my sculptures such as stone, wood and metal. Turning the mundane, the ordinary, and the discarded into something that can express beauty or a truth is a source of great satisfaction to me.

pat sewell

“My paintings largely happen; their underpinnings unannounced until their emergence, but sufficiently potent, once at play in design, that they leave me a sense that I am not in charge - so much as along for the ride.”