journeys from destruction to creation
march 30 - may 12, 2012
mainspace @ artspace
Belger makes custom cameras create from and for the subject he will photograph. His camera projects are based in personal exploration, and are constantly evolving. His work has been exhibited in galleries around the world.
About the artist
Excerpt from a Huffington Post feature titled,
Chambers of Pure Light: Wayne Martin Belger’s Transcendent Camera Art
By Lisa Derrick.
“Wayne Martin Belger‘s photographs and intricate, one-of-kind, hand-built cameras — themselves works of art, often set with gemstones and talismans; crafted with human organs and skulls, blood, bones and blood — boldly combine both the ancient and post-modern, using a viewing method that can be traced as far back as China in the 5th century B.C., to Aristole, Euclid, and later Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) who refined the technique in his the 10th-century Book of Optics, before emerging as in 1850 as photographic device.
Wayne Martin Belger
See more here
The process begins with Belger first desiring to explore and relate to a concept and envisioning the photographs, then crafting a camera as the portal into the subject. He collects artifacts, relics and metals, and painstakingly builds the device with parts he carefully machines, the construction itself a form of meditation on and communion with the concepts and images, much like icon painters who first pray and meditate, then carefully prepare the surface, blend the tempera and delicately layer the colors.
Belger’s beautiful machines and the photographs he produces with them are stunning, surreal, yet incredibly grounded and visceral expressions of the artist’s and subjects’ place in time and light, and our brief time and place on earth.”