Critical Mass 9


In its 9th year, Critical MASS returns to prove - despite everything 2020 threw at them - artists will prevail! Experience over 100 works from an active, producing community of Visual, Performing and Literary artists in Northwest Louisiana. It’s a Massive presentation. The Critical Challenge: Professional Critics will review each Arts Discipline to determine which Artist created the most compelling work of Art…one that merits a $2,000 commission to create a Solo Exhibition, Performance, and Literary Presentation.

Joanie Nerretig

Cherina Alford

Frank Jones

Kathryn Usher

John Martin

Su DeNim

Ron Hardy

Alan Dyson

Rachard Dennis

Julia Clancy

Check out the Critical MASS 9 Performances filmed at Fairfield Studios. Congratulations to Critical MASS 9 Performance Winner - John Martin.