by Lisa Miller
MEDIUM Wood from a giving tree in my backyard and recycled glass from a local glass shop

Sorting through the reject pile of a local glass shop, I ponder the times others have pulled me out of my self-induced reject pile. They observed me differently than I saw myself, with hidden treasures. Unfortunately, after a while, I drifted back from these outlooks, not seeing my worth. I had to find it within myself to shine through both the rough and upstream times of my life, as well as the easy, fleeting moments of happiness.

This piece represents to me the duality of life. The rough and rugged, but also the beautifully smooth moments we experience. The two contrasts show we may find ourselves “drifting.” I’ve come to know life can still be messy with vines and entanglements, however, also joyful in those special moments, where we can find true joy. If we stick together with love and compassion, our destination can be reached with a sense of accomplishment and success with the true meaning of living in this beautiful world.